Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Inspirational Speaker

       Dr. Adolf Brown III spoke with all stakeholder groups on Tuesday, January 12.  He gave an important message to our students as he stressed the importance of being responsible and taking pride in your accomplishments.  He talked about how our actions and appearance can affect what we do and how we are perceived.  With the teachers, Dr. Brown spoke about the importance of making sure all students understand they are important.  We have to look past their problems and work to help each one understand they are important and can be successful.  In his talk with the parents, Dr. Brown emphasized that they need to expect their children to behave in class and do their best work.  He talked about how it is the parents' responsibility to support the school and its teachers.  He emphasized how it takes a community to raise a child. 
     I hope everyone enjoyed and learned from Dr. Brown's talks.  We appreciate his message and the time he took to speak to each of our stakeholder groups. 

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